
Reinventing the daily bulletin

AOL Rise is a ground-breaking news format, combining the day’s headlines with viral content in a neatly packaged 90 second clip, piped directly to the viewer’s device every morning. We created a vibrant, flexible identity anchored around a simple, elegant logotype.

Branding / Art Direction / Broadcast



The Rise logotype comes in two versions, to suit the various usage scenarios.


Rise Logotype

A system of ascending blocks in vivid gradients compliments the paired back monotone palette of the logotype.


Rise Icons

A suite of icons were developed to denote the various content categories.


Brand Pattern

A coloured gradient was selected to represent each category of article. These gradients were then applied to aninterlocking series of rising blocks.


Identity Guide

Aselection of slides fromthe AOL Rise identity development guide.

Rise Stationery Spread

Rise Stationery Close Ups


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